Thank you for considering Rosecliff Literary for your manuscript submission. Please submit your manuscript via Query Manager.

To ensure your work is given the attention it deserves, please follow the guidelines below:

How to Submit:

We can't wait to hear about your project! When you're ready, please send us a Query Letter. Introduce yourself—tell us about your journey and your work. Share the title, genre, and word count of your manuscript, along with some recent comp titles (no more than five years old, please) that help illustrate where your work fits in today’s marketplace. TV and film comps are welcome, too!

In your letter, give us a snapshot of your story. Highlight the major plot points, your characters’ journeys, and the themes you explore. Be sure to include anything else that’s close to your heart about the project. And if you have any writing credentials or publication history, we’d love to hear about those too. If you’re on social media and feel comfortable, please share your handles. Do you have a Spotify playlist or a Pinterest board for your book? We’d love to see those as well!

Also, please include a One-Page Synopsis? We’d like a comprehensive overview of your story, including all the major plot points, any secondary storylines, key character arcs, and how everything wraps up.

Where to Submit:

  • Email submissions will not be read. Please submit your query via Query Manager.

Response Time:

  • We aim to respond to all submissions within 12 weeks. If you have not heard from us after 12 weeks, please feel free to follow up.

Additional Notes & Contact Info:

  • We accept simultaneous submissions, but please notify us immediately if you are offered representation elsewhere.

  • Due to the volume of submissions, we are unable to provide personalized feedback on each query.

  • Please reach out to with any additional questions, comments, or concerns.